Hongnian, Wang



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Jinan University Management Science and Engineering  (2020/9-present)

Sichuan Normal University Computer Science and Technology  (2017/9-2020/6)

Chengdu College of UESTC Internet of Things Engineering  (2013/9-2017/6)


The crowd flow prediction  (Sep 2018-Jan 2019)
Description: Using the public spatio-temporal data (e.g., trajectory or trips data) and deep learning methods to solve flow prediction problem.
Paper: Hongnian Wang and Han Su.  STAR: A Concise Deep Learning Framework for Citywide Human Mobility Prediction,  in Mobile Data Management, 2019. (CCF C)
The establishment of an animal image database   (Jun 2018-Nov 2018)
Description: The whole project is to realize the detection and individual recognition of pandas. The sub-project is to establish a database of panda images.
Paper: Hongnian Wang,  Han Su, et al.  Learning Deep Features for Giant Panda Gender Classification using Face Images,  in ICCV Workshop on Computer Vision for Wildlife Conservation, 2019. (CCF A Workshops)
New: "大熊猫“认脸”APP将面市!手机扫“熊脸”就能喊出它的名字"

The abnormal behavior recognition for the parking scenes  (Summer 2018)
Description: Due to the needs of the background of the project, more than 300 pieces of video data been expanded, includes crouch, fall, jump, bend, run and walk. Then extract keyframes for data generation and classification.
Paper: Hongnian Wang, Han Sun, et al. Parking Anomaly Behavior Recognition Method Based on Key Sentence of Behavior Sequence Features, in Computer Science, 2019.10 (in Chinese)


RoboMaster Robot Competition  (2015-2016)
Description: Design and complete four car-like robots, including mechanical structure design and machining, PCB design and solder, control and visual algorithm design and write, etc.
Responsibility: Responsible for the project management of the electronic control team, including the development of the project plan, assigning tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, coordinating with other groups, and some technical guidance.
Award: National Third Prize


  • Video:
  • CS229: Machine Learning. Stanford.
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning. deeplearning.ai.
  • CS131: Computer Vision: Foundations and Applications. Stanford.
  • CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition. Stanford.
    • Book:
  • 李航. 统计学习方法. 清华大学出版社, 2012.
  • 周志华. 机器学习. 清华大学出版社, 2016.
  • Peter Harrington. 机器学习实战. 人民邮电出版社, 2013.
  • Chris Bishop . Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning . Springer, 2011.
  • Ian Goodfellow. Deep Learning. The MIT Press, 2016.

    Software Skills: Python, C/C++, Keras, Pytorch.
    Language: CET-6 Be good at speaking, listening, reading and writing.
    Hobby: Marathon (half), Fitness.